Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dream- Analysis Varies

Everything happens for a reason, as stated by Sigmund Freud and dreams also have reasons that create all those illusionary thoughts and surreal world. Few days back, I was chatting with a friend on dream analysis and that very night I had a strange dream, which forced me to read the dream analysis theory of Freud. I was taken aback because he has connected every dream with sex, which according to Freud, has been suppressed in the subconscious mind. He had even talked about some ego factors, moral factors and certain stages as well. Even the stages have been connected with children. Seriously, is it possible for a child who is 3 to 4 years old to think so deeply about opposite sex or affection? I don’t know! 

As far as myself is concerned, I could not connect my dreams to any sexual factor and if I analyze mine then the reason is something very different. But then again, I cannot say Freud was wrong because he did an in-depth study. I believe dream is an impact of your surroundings. It is undoubtedly happening for some reasons that had affected you, consciously or subconsciously. Let me explain with my own dream. I dreamt of traveling to Mars, which is through the backdoor of my house, (our house doesn’t have a backdoor). I even found, whoever enters the planet Mars, they forget everything and so did I. Anyhow, I managed to find my way back and that is when I found my mother carrying a sari in her hand, entering the planet. She was talking to someone for changing it. I called her out, but then she could not recognize me and said, ‘Sorry Mam who are you? I’ll talk to you later on’, I was really shocked at her gesture. Ah! I know it’s really funny.

Now, the reason behind this dream is the Mars Mission that has been recently launched by ISRO on 5th Nov, 2013. Media is going gaga over it. I am not very much aware about the tits and bits of it, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I am aware of the fact that this journey is definitely a stepping stone for our nation, to know the unknown. My over imaginative nature has added more colors to the thought. But, I do not find any of the Freud’s dream theory connected with mine. Thank God, I must say! 

Then again, Freud Sigmund knows the world of psychology better, I guess so! 

What do you have to say on this?


  1. Nice read. Since Freud couldn't provide you with answers to your dream, probably other psychologist could, say Carl Jung and others. But definitely, your imaginative mind and its reflections are always interesting to read. Keep up the good work.

  2. This is interesting! :) Written in a humorous tone, this is a great take on dream interpretation. Looking forward to more such pieces :)

  3. Well well.. I can relate your dream with opposite gender :)
    You see, men are from Mars, so its not strange that you have seen a dream that involves Mars! :P

    1. u relate more to Freud.... and his time may be :P
